AT-TUHFAH: JURNAL STUDI KEISLAMAN <p><strong>At-Tuhfah adalah Jurnal Studi Keislaman</strong> Pascasarjana UNU Sunan Giri Bojonegoro yang mengkhususkan pada diskursus pendidikan Islam, hukum Islam dan bahasa-sastra Arab. Terbit dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu bulan <strong>Januari-Juni</strong> dan <strong>Juli-Desember</strong>.</p> PASCASARJANA UNU SUNAN GIRI BOJONEGORO en-US AT-TUHFAH: JURNAL STUDI KEISLAMAN 2089-0060 IMPLEMENTASI KONSEP PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER KI HAJAR DEWANTARA DI SMP NEGERI 2 BOJONEGORO <p>in this increasingly modern and growing age, especially in technological systems Communication and information, and the mindset of age children grows Adolescence or puberty. To compensate for it all so that the child will not be distracted by it Technological advances are more sophisticated, and children's character education needs attention, Whether in the family circle, school, or community. This research is meant to know Ki Hajar Dewantara character education concepts and implementation in public junior high school 2 "Bojonegoro. The study uses qualitative deskriptive methods. The data collection techniques used are observations, interviews, book collections ki dewantara, and Documentation.</p> <p>As for the results of this study, (1) the educational concept of character ki Dewantara includes, ki dewantara vision, basic character education, principles of Education, three education centre, among system, <em>Tri Sakti Jiwa</em>, <em>Tri-naga</em> concept (<em>Ngerti</em>, <em>Ngroso</em>, <em>Nglakoni</em>), <em>Tri-kon</em> concept, (<em>Kontinu, Konvergen, Konsentri)</em>. (2) implementation of education concepts Ki hajar dewantara in public junior high school 2 Bojonegoro by using breeding positive activity of teachers, students, and the entire community at school. Because of the covid-19 pandemic condition has diverted both learning and character education at home each with his parents as his education. &nbsp;Teachers teach parents how to train good children and always communicate through the whatsapp guardian santri group. In addition, students are scheduled with a limited amount to learn hydroponics and to learn gamelan directly at school. This is done to alleviate a child's long-term exposure to online learning. Assessments and character education conducted at public school 2 Bojonegoro by paying regular visits each day, private conversations, and conversations to parents. In addition to coordination meetings every month and year.</p> Ida Fauziatun Nisa’ Zaini Miftah Copyright (c) 2022 AT-TUHFAH: JURNAL STUDI KEISLAMAN 2021-12-04 2021-12-04 10 2 41 60 10.36840/jurnalstudikeislaman.v10i2.546 THE RELATIONSHIP OF MEMORY OF THE QURAN WITH THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE PEKALONGAN YOUTH IN THE PANDEMIC TIME <p><em>The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) at the tertiary education level has increased from 5.18 percent to 5.89 percent from August 2017 to August 2018. This shows that it is increasingly stringent for university graduates to get the jobs they want. Especially right now, the world is in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic. Almost every area of ​​life is affected. The unemployment rate has increased due to the closure of the operations of various companies so that inevitably many employees receive layoffs. All problems in life must be returned to the giver, namely Allah SWT., through the Al-Quran, the guideline for human life to be safe and successful in this world and in the hereafter Al-Quran has virtue and is able to provide benefits for people who study and memorize it well. This research is entitled "The Relationship between Memorizing Al-Quran Habits and Pekalongan Youth Achievements in the Pandemic Period". This study aims to determine the relationship between the habit of memorizing the Koran with learning achievement index, championship or competition achievements and achievements through contributions in organizations and around Pekalongan youth during the pandemic. This type of quantitative research is correlation using a questionnaire instrument with the stratified sample method.</em></p> Soffitri - Copyright (c) 2022 AT-TUHFAH: JURNAL STUDI KEISLAMAN 2021-12-04 2021-12-04 10 2 1 14 10.36840/jurnalstudikeislaman.v10i2.445 PEMIKIRAN FILSAFAT IBNU RUSYD <p><em>Ibn Rushd's philosophical thought is referred to by some Islamic thinkers as the last product of Islamic intellectual property with original, creative and innovative philosophical patterns, because subsequently there were no significant developments but only theoretical explanations and deepening of studies. It is undeniable that the intellectual treasures left by Ibn Rushd are so large. Broadly speaking, it can be concluded that the philosophical school of Ibn Rushd is rational. It upholds reason and plays a major role in interpreting the realm of existence. It is as if Ibn Rushd's rational thought pattern represents the rational style of Western Islam (Morocco), which then clashes with the theological mindset and Eastern mysticism, represented by al-Ghozali. </em></p> <p><em>Experts say that the rationalism that became the style of Ibn Rusd's thought was inseparable from the influence of Aristotle's philosophy, where Ibn Rushd was considered successful in teaching Aristotle's philosophy, and was able to show the weaknesses of other Muslim theologians and philosophers. So according to Atef Iraqi, to fully understand Ibn Rusd's philosophy, one must also study Aristotle's philosophy. Ibn Rushd is considered by many scholars to be a true aristocrat. However, according to Mahmud Qosim, Ibn Rushd has a distinctive originality of philosophical thought, unlike Renan's accusation. To see how far the originality of Ibn Rushd's philosophical thought is, this paper will attempt to review Ibn Rushd's philosophical thoughts which are mapped into the problems of cosmocentrism, theocentrism and anthropocentrism</em></p> yogi prana izza Copyright (c) 2022 AT-TUHFAH: JURNAL STUDI KEISLAMAN 2021-12-04 2021-12-04 10 2 83 100 10.36840/jurnalstudikeislaman.v10i2.567 The Internalization of Religious Values in Shaping Islamic characters of Students at MAN 4 Bojonegoro <p>Today's world globalization has competitively moved and changed faster. All fields shifted and challenges, including educational institutions. Educational institutions face a serious challenge to be able to follow as well as become the vanguard of global change. Educational institutions become the most important instrument in addressing human resources and are demanded to be able to provide the quality of human resources that are reliable. Education is not merely transferring knowledge to students, but also transferring the universal moral, religious, and humanistic values. By the universal moral transfer, students are expected to have a character that can appreciate other people's lives as reflected in their behavior and self-actualization. One way to shape the character is to internalize the values ​​within school activities.</p> <p>The research shows that: 1) The condition of the student before the internalization of religious values ​​based on the findings of informants in the field is that students have not reflected the character of the Islamic proven, 2) A lot of effort made by MAN 4 Bojonegoro in the internalization of religious values in shaping students' Islamic character. 3) The implication achieved after the range of the programs purposed on internalization of religious values ​​in shaping students' Islamic character is that students can understand and practice the religion and character values.</p> Fahru Rozi M. Jauharul Maarif Copyright (c) 2022 AT-TUHFAH: JURNAL STUDI KEISLAMAN 2021-12-04 2021-12-04 10 2 61 73 10.36840/jurnalstudikeislaman.v10i2.547 Penjatuhan Pidana Tambahan Berupa Pembayaran Biaya Penanganan Perkara bagi Pelaku Tindak Pidana Korupsi <p><em>This study focuses on additional criminal ideas in the form of payment of case handling fees for perpetrators of corruption. As normative legal research, this research uses a philosophical and legislative approach. This study reveals that payment of case handling fees is an important element in realizing the deterrent effect in sentencing. The more severe the punishment was given to the perpetrators of corruption is believed to reduce the desire and influence the decisions of potential perpetrators. The idea of ​​prevention requires the existence of criminal penalties. The high rate of corruption is alleged as result the lightness of the punishment given to the perpetrators of corruption.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> FIRA MUBAYYINAH FIRA Copyright (c) 2022 AT-TUHFAH: JURNAL STUDI KEISLAMAN 2021-12-04 2021-12-04 10 2 15 40 10.36840/jurnalstudikeislaman.v10i2.495 MENGEMBALIKAN FUNGSI FAQIH DAN ULAMA’ DALAM PEMIKIRAN WILAYAT-I FAQIH KHOMEINI SEBAGAI MODEL ULAMA’ SYI’AH PASCA REVOLUSI IRAN <p><em>This article discusses the concept of the Al-Faqih Region offered by Khomeini during the Iranian revolution on February 11<sup>th</sup> 1979, as an ideal form in restoring the role of the faqih to hold power and as a Shia political system and its implementation in state leadership amid world politics. Khomeini explicitly said that the priests are obliged to guide the people after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, the priests have the character of ma'shum. Wilayat-i Faqih articulated Imam Khomeini's essential ideas about the state and its aims. This concept is a normative principle that these powers (or functions) should not be delegated to the same person to prevent abuse of power by the parties involved power. Likewise, the Wilayat-i Faqih concept developed by Imam Khomeini divides the power of implementing Islamic governance into three state institutions, namely the executive, legislative, and judicial institutions. The executive and judicial powers are in the hands of the faqih who carry out the function as representatives of the priests, so the legislative power is entirely the right of God. However, according to Khomeini in the concept of Wilayat-i Faqih, only the faqih holds the highest authority, all power comes from his position as the highest mujtahid who has the greatest authority in interpreting legal sources</em>.</p> Saeful Anwar Copyright (c) 2022 AT-TUHFAH: JURNAL STUDI KEISLAMAN 2022-01-02 2022-01-02 10 2 101 119 10.36840/jurnalstudikeislaman.v10i2.599 INTERNALIZATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION VALUE THROUGH SCHOOL CULTURE-BASED ACTIVITIES <p><em>As a plural and multicultural country, conflicts frequently happened in Indonesia, it can be caused by the difference of race, ethnics, and also religion. This is certainly alarming. Therefore, there should be efforts to prevent the conflicts. This study aimed to describe efforts done by Islamiyah Malo Islamic senior high school in internalizing the religious moderation value through school cultural-based activities. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Data in this research is gained through observation and interview. The result of the study shows that the internalization of religious moderation value in Islamiyah Malo Islamic senior high school is conducted through some cultural-based activities, such as: 1) socialization about the importance of relgious moderation values to the teachers and school staffs in very school meetings, 2) socialization about the importance of religious moderation value to the students through flag ceremony every Monday, 3) integrating religious moderation values in the process of teaching and learning, 4) literacy activity, 5) using momentum. Hopefully, from those activities, the students could have understanding anad knowledge about relgious moderation. So that they could be tolerant to any differences and be moderate in religious practices</em></p> Zumrotul Fauziah Copyright (c) 2022 AT-TUHFAH: JURNAL STUDI KEISLAMAN 2021-12-04 2021-12-04 10 2 15 40 10.36840/jurnalstudikeislaman.v10i2.548